Digital Mentoring – a New Dimension of Teaching

Digital Mentoring A New Dimension of Teaching
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Welcome to this course on developing and implementing a digital mentoring process that has been developed as part of an EU grant project ““Digital Mentoring – a New Dimension of Teaching”.

The project is targeted at second-level teachers who are interested in the use of modern technologies and digital tools for teaching and learning and would like to learn how peer-mentoring can facilitate this.

The training will be organised in a form of three online workshops combined with a self-directed learning activity.

The first online workshop will introduce you to the mentoring process that focuses on enhancing the quality of learning using digital technology.

The second workshop will focus on the development of online tools and materials.

The third workshop will help you prepare a plan for mentoring sessions in  your own school.

This page gives you access to the workshop materials and some examples of online learning tools and resources.

In the forum, we would like to start a discussion around your needs and ideas for your own professional development.

We hope you enjoy the training and this platform, and we look forward to meeting you online.

Project number / Numer projektu: MSWO-3-2019-100

Projekt pt.: „Mentoring Cyfrowy – nowy wymiar nauczania”  jest projektem grantowym ponadnarodowym realizowanym w polsko-irlandzkim partnerstwie Fundacji „Krzyżowa” dla Porozumienia Europejskiego i Firmy H2 Learning Ltd. z siedzibą w Dublinie. Realizowany jest w ramach projektu Grupy Profesja Sp. z o.o. pt.: „Międzynarodowa współpraca się opłaca. Granty na komponent współpracy ponadnarodowej dla beneficjentów projektów standardowych realizowanych w zakresie celów tematycznych 8-11 współfinansowanych z EFS w ramach PO WER lub RPO w perspektywie finansowej 2014- 2020”, realizowanego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020

Sample Materials

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