Donegal ETB Digital Leaders Boot Camp

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Digital technology has the potential to transform FET practices for the teacher and for the learner, particularly in relation to Blended Learning.  However, the technology alone is not enough to design and implement appropriate Blended Learning models within Donegal ETB.  There is a need to consider why a programme or a course would use Blended Learning approaches or if it needs to be reaccredited as a Blended Learning Programme.  Such decisions require FET leaders to understand the implications of promoting such approaches within their programmes for; the ETB, the teaching staff and the learners. 

The Boot Camp is designed to provide FET leaders with a chance to consider some of these key questions during a series of 4 live one hour live synchronous workshop sessions.  Participants will engage with pre-recorded content in advance of live sessions to set the scene and with their colleagues and H2 Learning during the live and pre-recorded sessions.  The goal of the boot camp is to help staff to reflect on how Blended Learning might be used in their programme and what inputs are required to support staff and learners to avail of such innovative practices.

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