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  • in reply to: Benefits and Challenges of ICT #37492

      Ladies!  Thanks for all your comments.  This week has been fantastic at giving a wide and varied display of all that we could use within SEN and beyond.  it’s exciting and daunting all at once.  In my school, I may only see a senior maths group 1 time a week for 30 minutes.  My concern is that I just wont have the time to use all the amazing apps and websites to benefit their learning.  I do see however that many of these could be used during station work and once the pupils understand how to use the programme or app they can go ahead alone.

      One area I will use more is Kahoot as I think it could be a fun way of deciphering learning and where a child might still be having difficulties.

      I love your idea Kitty of creating an ICT resource list for specific children we will be working alongside.  Great to include it in their targets!  Thanks for that idea.


      in reply to: Forum #37053

        We use a range of assessment tools within our classes.  The one I was very encouraged with using this past year was Conferencing.  The pupils in 5th & 6th class had completed a project on The Great Famine.  Both the class teacher and myself conferenced with each pupil on their project.  I feel that the pupils really benefitted from the positive feedback and the constructive ideas for improvement which hopefully they will take on board for future projects.  In contrast my son completed a project in 1st class at the end of the year.  It was his 1st project to complete.  Unfortunately he got no teacher feedback which I was disappointed about as I feel not only would he have enjoyed getting the praise and encouragement but also may have learned a little how to improve for the next time he completes a project.

        We do a lot of  work on comprehension in the senior end of the school.  This year we used  GL assessment and the NGRT assessment.  This was very helpful as the pupils completed an assessment 3 times in the year.  We were then able to compare between the other results.


        in reply to: Forum #36770

          The advantages of using google slides with SEN pupils is vast. Once the initial set up challenges and learning has been taught, it will no doubt boost a pupils self esteem as they learn to produce work of high quality which they may never have been able to do before on paper. A child I taught in 3rdclass was extremely dyslexic and found handwriting a huge challenge however produced some amazing work using google slides for a project he had to do. To see his look of pride as he presented was worth so much.

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