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  • in reply to: Module 2 Assignment Your Literacy Plan #38342
    Fiona Biesty

      This is a nice comprehensive plan Annette.  This would be a lovely unit of work for narrative writing and I like the way you have incorporated a variety of stimulus and tools into your lesson with the use of Post it notes, iPads and YouTube clips.  Great to utilise the PDST writing prompts for character development and there are also some great “Roll a Story” ideas available online which could also be a useful asset in this lesson, particularly for differentiation.

      Thank you for sharing your ideas Annette,


      in reply to: NCSE Literacy and Language #38294
      Fiona Biesty

        Thanks AnneMarie & Elizabeth for highlighting the usefulness of the ABCya Word Cloud website and the creative ways in which you will incorporate it into your teaching & learning in the future.

        in reply to: Module 5 Assignment Part 2 Inclusion #38250
        Fiona Biesty
          in reply to: Module 2 Assignment Your Literacy Plan #38170
          Fiona Biesty
            in reply to: Module 3 Assignment #37982
            Fiona Biesty

              Hi Kitty,

              <span style=”text-align: center;”>I love the idea using G Suite for education to to create digital rubrics. I can appreciate that the students would respond very well to the clarity of this assessment tool & it would be very useful AoL method. Thank you for sharing,</span>


              in reply to: Module 3 Assignment #37978
              Fiona Biesty

                Lots of great feedback on Seesaw here, I agree it is a really useful digital tool. One that many of us relied on during the Covid lockdowns & perhaps reached a saturation point with it during those times. Great to get this reintroduction to it & hear the many positive ways it can aid teaching & learning in both the mainstream & SET setting.

                in reply to: Module 2 Assignment Your Literacy Plan #37637
                Fiona Biesty

                  A well planned literacy approach Jacqueline, thank you for sharing. Appropriate progression steps chosen for your 3rd Class group with clear targets chosen for the students on the continuum of support.  Your narrative writing plan is well aligned with the PDST writing genres framework, with clear progression as the weeks progress. I like the way you have included your weblinks into your planning document, will make life so much easier when you go to put this plan into practice, well done!


                  in reply to: Module 5 Assignment Part 2 Inclusion #37633
                  Fiona Biesty

                    Great resources Mary, I like the way you have chosen a variety of literacy and numeracy resources for your 3rd & 4th class.  Nice to see the range of uses for Digipuzzle with use of whole class, group, pairs and individual work outlined.


                    in reply to: Module 3 Assignment #37456
                    Fiona Biesty

                      Hi Mary,

                      When I first moved to SET I, like you, moved away from using some of my firm classroom favourites such as Kahoot- I think possibly due to time constraints and the huge variety of groupings I had for withdrawal I had felt it wasn’t feasible, but certainly with a bit of careful planning these digital tools can play a really important role in the SET setting, just as they do in Mainstream.

                      Mind mapping, graphic organisers and word clouds are a really great resources to use to record Oral Language discussion topics and by utilising a digital format you can easily create an e-portfolio for record keeping and assessment purposes.


                      in reply to: Module 5 Assignment Part 2 Inclusion #37455
                      Fiona Biesty

                        Hi Martina,

                        I like the different ways and subjects you have come up with for “Wordclouds” and also the variety of uses for ‘Digipuzzle’.  Outlining it’s uses as a whole class teaching tool, a learning centre tool and a tool to support digital inclusion shows the versatility of this website.

                        Thanks for sharing, Fiona.

                        in reply to: Module 5 Assignment Part 2 Inclusion #37454
                        Fiona Biesty

                          Hi Francesca,

                          I love the incorporation of Speechify when covering the narrative genre.  By enabling the children with literacy difficulties to listen to the text you are hugely increasing both their ability to access the material and their enjoyment of the lesson and text they are reading-huge positives!


                          in reply to: Module 5 Assignment Part 1 UDL #37445
                          Fiona Biesty

                            Hi Martina,

                            I feel children who are used to a multi-grade setting are really well placed to adopt a UDL approach without too much upheaval.  As you point out, they are often working independently on ‘busy work’ and with some careful planning this busy work could be replaced/ extended by more focussed topic work in a learning centre.

                            Time to plan is undoubtedly a barrier to all new initiatives but I think you are taking the right approach by acknowledging the challenges you are facing and trialing it at a time when you have the greatest amount of support- this will hugely increase the chance for success.


                            in reply to: Module 5 Assignment Part 1 UDL #37443
                            Fiona Biesty

                              Great that you are so open to the benefits of adopting a learning centre approach and you are absolutely correct in identifying its merits as both a motivational tool and reinforcement strategy.

                              As you say, guidelines, structure and clear planning are essential before introducing the approach in the classroom and using Google Docs as a collaborative planning tool with your SET would work really effectively for this.  Best of luck with it!

                              in reply to: NCSE Literacy and Language #37080
                              Fiona Biesty

                                We have used ‘Spellings for Me’ for the past few years and found it great Paraic.  Like every approach there is ‘no one size fits all’ and we have had mixed success with it over the years.  One huge plus is the break away from the traditional mindset of rote learning and Friday test to a continuous assessment approach which is individualised to each student.  The downside to this, at least in our school, was the pressure this placed on availability of devices at particular times of the year and the time constraints this led to.  Overall, I really like the approach to word study/ mnemonics etc. that the programme encourages.  We are going to introduce ‘Words their Way’ to our younger classes this year as an alternative approach and will be interested to compare both programmes!


                                in reply to: NCSE Literacy and Language #37079
                                Fiona Biesty

                                  We have used ‘Spellings for Me’ for the past few years and found it great Paraic.  Like every approach there is ‘no one size fits all’ and we have had mixed success with it over the years.  One huge plus is the break away from the traditional mindset of rote learning and Friday test to a continuous assessment approach which is individualised to each student.  The downside to this, at least in our school, was the pressure this placed on availability of devices at particular times of the year and the time constraints this led to.  Overall, I really like the approach to word study/ mnemonics etc. that the programme encourages.  We are going to introduce ‘Words their Way’ to our younger classes this year as an alternative approach and will be interested to compare both programmes!


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