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  • in reply to: NCSE Literacy and Language #38610

    The Mary I ICT tools has an amazing amount of practical and useful resources that are  easily accessible in various categories all on the same page.

    I really liked the pattern block tool, I would use the bingo and flashcard maker.

    I would also use the certificate maker  and various the options for  a calendar,

    in reply to: NCSE Literacy and Language #38590

    I think this is a wonderful idea and would be very interested in this as I teach in a small school also. I can imagine the joy and engagement in these classes, definitely one the children will always remember.

    in reply to: Module 5 Assignment Part 1 UDL #38569

    I have used the learning centre approach before as a playful learning approach in the junior classroom. Each time we cover a different theme we would have separate playful areas set up around the classroom for the children to engage with. They really enjoy this time. Also we have stem boxes  for  building/ designing depending on our topic, the children really enjoy choosing their activity and being creative .

    in reply to: Module 3 Assignment #38550

    The digital tool I have chosen is Seesaw as I think it is very suitable and enjoyable for the younger classes to use. It will be a great way to keep track of their progress and to involve the children more in self reflection and self assessment. Material can be stored in a variety of ways and it is an efficient and comprehensive way to keep track of the children’s achievements.

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