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  • in reply to: Zones of Regulation #37625

      This is a great idea for a kahoot.
      Well done!

      in reply to: SET and ICT – what are the benefits and challenges? #37601

        Hi BlaithIn

        Similiar to you I have been working in SET now for a couple of years and haven’t been using ICT enough. We now have a set of Ipads for whole school use and I plan to include using these in my planning regularly with groups of up to 6 children. I have found this course very comprehensive and have so many practical ways to include ICT use in day to day teaching from September 23.

        in reply to: Forum #37136

          Hi Noelle

          I am interested in using your peer assessment approach next year with children I work with. The idea of checking in afterwards to see if their advice has been taken on board by their peer is a lovely touch to encourage continued active engagement between peers.

          Your fish acronym apprpach will be so helplful as a prompt for their peer assessment.  Thank you

          in reply to: Forum #37031


            I have found Conferencing with students a hugely successful and informative form of assessment.  In Infant classes in the past when working with EAL pupils,  the ‘Initial Interview assessment for a new pupil’  has been useful to establish pupil’s current level of Listening and Speaking skills upon arrival to infant classes. Across school I would use ‘My Thoughts on School’ as the basis for the questioning during one to one time with pupils.  When working with Junior Classes , I would usually ask the questions and write down the answers of the children and would have only used one side of the checklist early in 1st class and progressed through questions as the year moved on. In Middle and Senior classes class teacher would  ask their whole class to complete this checklist and I then would chat with the pupils I support to discuss their answer some more and I’d added additional comments to their checklist.  Children within these older classes that couldn’t complete this independently I would act as a scribe for them and simplify the questions and reword some also.  I have found these answers a very useful even as regards highlight for me and their class teacher how pupils we work with perceive themselves in certain aspects of school life.

            Diagnostic online tools I have also found very useful and timesaving are the GL assessments online scoring tools for both their Early Literacy and Reading Comprehension  assessments.  You enter the raw scores and question answer details after completing the assessments in person with child  and the tools generate the report with all the percentile and standard scores worked out along with other relevant assessment data.

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